
March 2014

There is so much going on in 2014!  Three new deacons have been recently appointed (DONNIE BATES, WILL HANSTEIN, and JASON JACOBY).  We've had a couple of baptisms result from the influence of the book, "Muscle And A Shovel," and we are making tangible efforts to increase and improve our evangelism.  The elders have announced that we're going to be temporarily relocated while some improvements our made to our physical facility.  FPTC is right around the corner and space is already running out, and we're enjoying excellent attendance as our Sunday night sermon series, "What Do You Think About The Bible?," is nearing its conclusion.  God's Precious Daughters and Young Lions, as usual, were huge successes.  We will have a Wednesday Night summer series geared toward evangelism.  The theme will be, "Guess Who I Ran Into?" Our speakers will be preachers from all over the front range.  

This September will be our special 50th Anniversary Bear Valley Lectureship!  The lineup is incredible and I'm already so excited about it.  Today is the first day of Spring and let's spring forward to greater things for Christ in the last three quarters of this year!  


Halfway through 2013?!

2013 FPTC staff and campers

It doesn't seem possible, but it's true.  2013 is over halfway gone.  True to form, you have been busy throughout the Spring and into the first few days of summer.  As a church, in four months time, we've:


  • Graduated yet another class at the Bible Institute.
  • Had a very successful Vacation Bible School (theme: "The Lord's Army"), capably directed by Stephen Compton (we did two doorknocking with a total of between 50-75 people participating)
  • Had an extremely well-attended Spring Seminar with Steve Higginbotham
  • Conducted our 15th annual (and best) Future Preachers Training Camp.

Just ahead on the horizon is a workday and Higher Ground girls camp (this is their 5th year).  Also, in a sobering vain of thought, our elders are leading us toward the conclusion of a thoughtful, caring, but necessary church discipline process.  Soon, a new crop of students will join our returning group at the Institute.  Then, the lectureship looms in the very near future (9/19-22).

This congregation continues to support these efforts sacrificially and enthusiastically.  You are to be commended for that.  The great good done by each of these activities only eternity will tell.  I believe this is more than busy work for you.  It's a labor of love.  Our attendance is up, reflecting interest and vibrance.  We must work harder than ever to be one in Christ!

But as these events whiz by so quickly, they symbolize time on this globe.  It is brief and the moments are fleeting.  Are you putting off being a faithful child of God, a worker for the Lord, an overcomer over this world, or even the decision to become a Christian.  The pages of time are flipping rapidly.  "Tomorrow" is never the watchword!  What you need to do, spiritually, do it "today!"  Let's look forward to a great rest of 2013, better years to come, and the best of ultimate destinies.  Let's go to heaven together!



Great Gradeschoolers!

Photo, courtesy David Parker

What a group!  If you were at Bear Valley last Sunday night (March 10, 2013), you got to hear each of these fellows as they read scripture, led singing, led prayers, and preached.  The poise, presence, and enthusiasm of these young men betrayed their young ages.  You just cannot help but feel hope and joy for the future when we have boys being raised in such wonderful homes and reflecting that training.  


Photo, courtesy David Parker

Just as impressive are the "God's Precious Daughters" group that were meeting at the same time this winter.  They learned much about service and demonstrated that service at a tea they hosted for the Bear Valley ladies at 4 PM on March 10th.  They also, in that setting, led singing, read scripture, led prayers, and Kaitlyn Shilliday did a talk on the value of our widows.  

We have a great group of teens who are leaders and servants, but right "behind" them are this group of "up and comers" who look ready to shine right alongside them.  Thank God for every single person, big and small, who make up our Bear Valley family!


What's Right With The Church?!

Perhaps some cannot think of many answers, and maybe some have not even thought to ask the question.  After we have closed the 2012 Bear Valley Lectures, I think of so many areas that are right as was illustrated by this church!  So many talked of how warm and friendly this church is.  They commented on the great singing.  They were so uplifted by the lessons and the theme.  I know that this church is great in terms of involvement.  So many were involved in babysitting, providing transportation, hosting guests, bringing food, manning the welcome center and registering people, setting up tables and chairs, making phone calls, and meeting visitors.  I think about how strong and true our elders are, balancing compassion and conviction, fairness and firmness.  I think about what a blessing the Bear Valley Bible Institute is to us on a daily basis.  The ladies of the Ladies Bible Class are a veritable workforce.  Our youth group is so diverse and filled with vast potential, serving and reaching out to others.  If there is someone in surgery, you can count on waiting room personnel, others in the room, and medical professionals being stunned at how many "church family" members are there with the patient's family. On and on I could go.

The church we read about in the Bible is special and important!  It was in God's mind from eternity (Eph. 3:9-11).  Through it, God receives glory (Eph. 3:21)!  I challenge you to take some time to consider all that is right with the Lord's church! 



Are you tired?  Wonder why?  Apart from the demands of your job and family, you have been busy advancing the cause of Christ at Bear Valley!  There was your planned, generous gift on Mission Sunday of over $17,000, giving that did not diminish your response to our challenging weekly budgeted need.  There was the graduation of one of the school's finest classes in memory near the end of May.  What a joy to be a part of one of the greatest works in our brotherhood! Then, there are the activities. From Vacation Bible School and Future Preachers Training Camp in June to involvement in Red Mountain Youth Camp and Kamp Koinonia earlier in July, you can sit back long enough to gear up for our Higher Ground Girls Camp that starts this Sunday, July 29th!  TERI AUTREY & KATHY POLLARD have directed this camp since 2009, and it has grown tremendously.  Like our FPTC, this camp is provided free of charge to teenage girls (ages 13-18) who apply and are accepted.  This year, we have right at the maximum of 60.  They are coming from 11 states!  It is annually described as a spiritual life-changer!  So many of you are going to be involved in one way or another (staff, counselors, teachers, providing food, etc.).  

We have also seen a steady influx of great families placing their membership with us this summer.  By my count, since May, we've gained the EMERSONS, ROSES, KIRKLANDS, HURTS, and BATES.  Oh, how we will miss the AUSTINS, when they move next month to resume work with the Navajos in Arizona.  Youth activities continue to flurry and keep already busy teens on the go.  We are blessed with numerous visitors each service, it seems.  Last Sunday, MARY ANN PARKER, JOEY BAILEY'S sister, was baptized into Christ!  All of these are mountain top moments for which we should be grateful.

Fellowship opportunities will continue, including the Annual Churchwide Picnic on August 26th.  Our incoming and returning students have already been arriving here at Bear Valley.  The lectureship is less than two months away.  Ladies Bible Class will soon resume.  Catch your breath, then find as many ways to reach across, reach out, and reach up in the cause of Christ here at Bear Valley!  It's a joy to be a part of a loving, living, and learning church!

To God be the glory! Oh, and THINK SOULS THROUGH SERVICE!
