
The Race In On!

My latest trip home from the airport was an illustration of what it can feel like this time of year at Bear Valley.  I was returning from San Marcos, Texas (where the University church of Christ puts on an EXCELLENT program called "Focal Point"), trying to make it to the last night of our Spring Seminar with Allen Webster (who did a tremendous job preaching!).  Due to maintenance issues on my plane, which delayed its departure, we did not land until 5:24 PM. I had 1:36 minutes to get to the church building, to kickoff the last night of the seminar. Fortunately, I was the first one off the plane.  I was not in my best running boots, but I hoofed as fast as I could through the "B" Concourse, down to the train, up the escalators and out the door toward the west economy lot. I alternated between walking fast and running, regularly watching my cell phone clock racing forward.  I was pulling into the pay booth of the parking lot at 6:00 PM, knowing that I was trying to negotiate Denver traffic at rush hour driving over roads that would be the most congested in the area.  It was seeming providence as I made my way down Pena, across I-70, down I-25, over to 6th, down Sheridan, and finally to the building.  As I parked in our parking lot, it was 6:45 PM!  It was hustle, hustle, hustle, but I got there and everything went smoothly.

Consider the church calendar: April 29th--50th Anniversary.  May 6th-9th--Spring Seminar.  May 11th--School Picnic. May 11th-12th--Youth Rally.  May 13th--Mission Sunday.  May 20th--BVBID Graduation (with about 3 other weekend events alongside).  June 3rd-6th--Vacation Bible School.  June 10th-17th--Future Preachers Training Camp.  Add to that some other events that effect a smaller percentage of the "church population," and it can feel like the race is on!

But, in all of this, several things come to mind.  First, we remember why we are doing this.  It is to "Think Souls" and glorify God as we serve Him the best we can.  Second, we remember the good these events do.  Teaching children.  Sowing seed in lost hearts.  Sending men trained to preach into all the world. Training young men to have the desire and ability to preach.  Supporting those men and women already out in the field.  Third, we see these events for what they are--opportunities to utilize the talents of as many of our members as possible.  

Is it hectic this time of year?  Yes!  Is it worth it? Absolutely!  In the hustle and bustle, let us keep focus on who we are and why we are doing it all.  Keep running.  It will go smoothly.  It always does!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Thinking Souls Through Service."  I know it sounds like a slogan or mere motto, but it is more.  It is the key to our emphasis as a church on all the souls around us.  Sacrifice-Encouragement-Relationship-Visitation-Involvement-Commitment-Evangelism.  These components are key to being servants.  But, they will make us soul-winners.  If I am looking for ways to help, benefit, and brighten others' lives, I will care about where they will spend eternity.

In a couple of weeks, Allen Webster will be here for an "Encouragement Seminar."  You know someone who needs encouragement.  You know someone currently outside of Christ who, hearing the gospel, may be encouraged to walk with God.  Please be here and bring somebody with you.  It will be a tangible way to think souls.

Issica. Anthony. Jalen. Sandy. Jack. Travis. Phil.  All seven have precious, eternal souls.  All but one are adults who you reached out to and with whom you studied.  Where will it stop?  Lord willing, it won't.  When we are thinking about souls, we have less time to think about self or to be selfish.  When we are thinking about souls, we are part of the solution and not contributing to the problem.  

These are exciting times.  Satan won't leave us alone when we are stealing folks from him.  But, "if God be for us, who can be against us" (Rom. 8:31)?  Keep thinking souls through service!



Monday, April 2, 2012

A wonderful Monday to you!  It's great to be at Bear Valley.  When you look at the many visitors who are coming to every service.  Let's do what we can to reach out to every one of them!  

Our Missions Committee has challenged us this month to pray for our missionaries each and every day, petitioning the Father on their behalf in some specific way.  Let us know if you did not pick up a copy of the prayer list yesterday.  Missions Sunday is May 13th, and we've been challenged to set aside (in addition to our regular contribution) $141.75 per family to meet the evangelistic and spiritual objectives in our four mission works.

The men's monthly breakfast continues to be such a great fellowship opportunity.  Plus, we've had so many non-Christians in attendance for this.  It's a way to think souls in a non-threatening environment.  We have a new meeting place, since the Country Buffet on Wadsworth has closed.  April 14, we will meet at the Country Buffet at 301 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, CO 80110 (Sante Fe and Hampden).  We meet and eat at 8 A.M.

Our teens have a slate full of activities for the month of April.  Brett has so many ways to keep you informed and updated.  See him if you are not receiving updates.  Just to highlight a few of them, this is the month to help with the Mountain States Childrens Home phone drive, the Prom Alternative, a parent meeting, two Sunday night teen devotions, a ski trip, and next month our first Youth Rally in several years!  

Deacons and preachers, let's remember to meet with the elders this month on April 21st.  These are only quarterly now, and the elders want every deacon there.  It's only about 90 minutes four times a year.  What a great way to communicate, plan, and inquire about the awesome work we have here.

On April 29th, we are going to celebrate 50 years in existence as a congregation.  So many wonderful people through the years have helped to strengthen the Lord's church universal.  Please get the information forms back to box 170 ASAP and also turn in either to that mailbox or the office pictures, statistics, and other relevant information that will help us as we remember the past.  My sermon that morning will be pointing us toward the future of the Bear Valley congregation, as God allows us to live, plan, and work.

It won't be very long until our Spring Seminar. It is being billed as an "Encouragement Seminar" and is a prime opportunity for us to have non-members attend with us.  Allen Webster does a fantastic job preaching the Word.

I will be out a pocket a few days this month.  Kathy and I will leave late Sunday night, 4/8/12, to travel to Austin, TX, where we will speak on the Southwest Lectures.  We will be back Wednesday morning.  Dale will go with me to Katy, TX, where I will hold a weekend gospel meeting, Friday-Sunday (4/13-4/15).  I appreciate your prayers and encouragement when I have opportunities like this to represent this great church and proclaim the greatest news of all.

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