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March 2014

There is so much going on in 2014!  Three new deacons have been recently appointed (DONNIE BATES, WILL HANSTEIN, and JASON JACOBY).  We've had a couple of baptisms result from the influence of the book, "Muscle And A Shovel," and we are making tangible efforts to increase and improve our evangelism.  The elders have announced that we're going to be temporarily relocated while some improvements our made to our physical facility.  FPTC is right around the corner and space is already running out, and we're enjoying excellent attendance as our Sunday night sermon series, "What Do You Think About The Bible?," is nearing its conclusion.  God's Precious Daughters and Young Lions, as usual, were huge successes.  We will have a Wednesday Night summer series geared toward evangelism.  The theme will be, "Guess Who I Ran Into?" Our speakers will be preachers from all over the front range.  

This September will be our special 50th Anniversary Bear Valley Lectureship!  The lineup is incredible and I'm already so excited about it.  Today is the first day of Spring and let's spring forward to greater things for Christ in the last three quarters of this year!  

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