
The Hand of God in Unfolding History

Neal Pollard

Dave Chamberlin gave me a copy of the latest Civil War Times.  On page 14, there is a story about two of my great-great-great grandfathers and a picture of one of them, Stephen Pollard.  Apparently, the photo of great-grandpa has been "widely publicized" and went unattributed for some time.  It was found in the Liljenquist collection of Civil War portraits in the Library of Congress.  This grandfather survived the war and farmed in Haralson County, Georgia, until his death in 1899 (Petranek, Ed., Vol. 51, No. 6, 12/12, p. 14).

It's the story of the other grandfather mentioned in the article, John Rigby, of the 35th Georgia Infantry, that is so fascinating.  The authors, Linda Wheeler and Sarah Richardson, did not know this story.  My cousin, Paul Pollard, told me about grandpa Rigby.  While fighting in the battle of Gaines Mills in 1862, grandpa Rigby was wounded seriously enough to be discharged.  He walked from Mechanicsville, Virginia, back home to Haralson County, Georgia.  While he was recovering at home, he and grandmother conceived their first child. About two years later, he was well enough to rejoin the 35th as they fought in the Wilderness Campaign of 1864. Though he received only a flesh wound, grandpa was captured by Union Forces and imprisoned in the infamous Elmira Prison Camp in upstate New York.  He died shortly after the signing of the Appamattox Treaty in the Spring of 1865.  But, if grandpa Rigby had not been wounded in Mechanicsville (where I preached almost 12 years!), I would not be here! What seeming providence, as God's hand preserved a lineage that has produced several preachers and may well produce several more!

One of the most faith-building exercises is to study the eternal scheme of redemption in Scripture.  God worked out His salvation plan historically, through time and events, to bring the Christ into the world (cf. Gal. 4:4).  There were times, such as Noah's day, awaiting the birth of Isaac, the period of the judges, the divided kingdom, the Babylonian Captivity, and many other events or eras where that plan seemed imperiled.  Yet, more than merely a story of providence, God's eternal plan involves the sovereignty and intentional grace of God.  Peter said Jesus was crucified as part of "the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God" (Acts 2:23).  God announced it beforehand (Acts 3:18).  It was foreknown by God from before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:20).  To see the people and events used by God to bring us Christ should excite us.  Be reminded that this same God is at work today, providentially bringing about His purpose through willing people like you and me.  Be a part of God's unfolding history simply by being at work to accomplish His purpose!


No More Dropped Calls and Busy Signals

Dropped calls and busy signals are the worst!  They only seem to happen at the most inconvenient of times.  Dropped calls tend to happen in the middle of a conversation.  Typically when you have been talking for several minutes on an important topic just to find out the call was dropped and you have been talking to yourself.  Busy signals seem to happen at times when you absolutely must get a hold of someone but can’t because of the annoying, repetitive tone in your ear.  Cell phones are some of the most amazing and convenient devices ever invented, but they also have a way of driving us crazy.

Thankfully, there is a cell phone plan out there with some unbelievable benefits.  This plan is known as prayer.  Take a look at some of the awesome features that come with this plan.

Best Carrier – Jesus Christ.  When we pray, we are instructed to pray “in Jesus’ name” (Colossians 3:17; John 14:13-14).  Jesus is the one who “carries” our calls to the Lord.  Certainly there is no better carrier.

Complimentary Operator and Translator – The Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26).  When we can’t find the words or can’t expressive them, we have one who communicates our feelings to God much better than we could ever articulate.

Cost – Free.  There is no charge for this service.  It was paid in full on the cross.

Number of Minutes – Unlimited.  In fact, the more you use the better (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Coverage – Everywhere, literally.  You can call anytime, from anywhere, even from the moon or the furthest corner of the universe.

Dropped Calls – None.  Once connected, there has never been a dropped call.  Calls are only ended when we choose to end them.

Busy Signals – None.  No one has ever been met with a busy signal because God has never had so many callers that He couldn’t answer.

Roaming Fees – None.

Clearly there is no better cell phone plan than this one.  It is such a blessing to be able to pray to the Lord.  Let’s praise God for providing us with something as wonderful as prayer!


Improving Foreign Diplomacy

Neal Pollard

Being roundly criticized for its handling of the Benghazi embassy attack, facing the continued threat of "Arab Spring," ongoing awkwardness in dealing with foreign powers like China and Russia, and now replacing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the new administration is going to be challenged by foreign affairs issues in the foreseeable future.  It is an important issue because how we handle ourselves with the rest of the world determines our strength and weakness as a nation.  Proper diplomacy is key!

Churches and Christians in them continually face a similar challenge in interacting with non-believers and that system of thought identified in Scripture as "the world."  New Testament writers identify the Lord's church as "a holy nation" (1 Pet. 2:9), but we are also said to be "aliens and strangers" in this world (1 Pet. 2:11). Inasmuch as diplomats are those tasked with managing international relations and representing their country abroad, we must understand as mission as "ambassadors for Christ" (cf. 2 Cor. 5:20).  Peter gives us insight into how to improve our "foreign diplomacy."

First, share generously (1 Pet. 2:9). Because of the important role we fill, chosen, royal, holy, and "possessed by God," we need to "come to the table" ready to share.  Whether the world realizes it or not, they are poor in the most dire way possible.  Peter tells us to "proclaim the excellencies of Him" to the world.

Second, humbly recognize the importance of your status (1 Pet. 2:10).  Instead of being pompous and arrogant, we will feel the weight of our responsibility.  We represent God to the world, which is spiritually blind, deaf, and ignorant of the Bible and its teaching.  We also realize that we were once in darkness (2:9) and we have a checkered past (2:10).  This should make us more vigilant and determined as we reach out to the world.

Third, distinguish yourself in conduct (1 Pet. 2:11-12a).  According to these verses, that means avoiding what will lead us to self-destruct ("fleshly lusts") and putting our best foot forward with the world ("keep your behavior excellent").  You will be watched more closely, held to a higher, stricter standard, and criticized just for the "post" you hold.  You will even endure " evildoers."  

Finally, serve with honor and distinction (1 Pet. 2:12b).  Criticisms can be weathered. Accusations can be proven specious. Conduct is the key.  Because "of your good deeds, as they observe them," they will "glorify God in the day of visitation."  Stay true to what you know is right.  Jesus said, "Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children" (Lk. 7:35).  In other words, time will tell through the fruit of your deeds, as you remain focused on your mission. 

It is hard to say how the President and his cabinet will deal with their foreign diplomacy challenges.  Let us pray for them.  Meanwhile, let us stay focused on the indispensable role we have in that "holy nation" of the church!  That work impacts eternities. 



Neal Pollard

The writer of Psalm 33 is unknown to us, but his words are powerful and poignant.  Particularly comforting is the heart of the psalm, verses six through seventeen.  From these verses, we are reminded about God's position in the affairs of mankind on earth.

The Lord who looks from heaven created everything (Ps. 33:6).  He is neither caught off guard by nor unprepared for the things that happen over all the earth, in a single nation, or a single person's life.  He preceded us under the sun He created, and, unless Christ comes again in our life, He will succeed us as we head to the grave.

The Lord who looks from heaven sustains everything (Ps. 33:7).  He even controls the weather, the water cycle, and every other facet of nature.  He has a firm grasp over all the things, nor'easters, tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and other storms, that threaten to overwhelm and eclipse us.

The Lord who looks from heaven controls everything (Ps. 33:8-12).  He controls the world and nature (8-9).  He controls what happens in nations (10).  His plans cannot be thwarted by men (11).  He blesses nations that serve and acknowledge Him (12).  That is never in doubt for even a single moment.

The Lord who looks from heaven sees everyone (Ps. 33:13-15).  He sees more than politicians and voters.  He understands complex matters like quantum physics and electoral colleges. His understanding goes infinitely deeper.  He knows all hearts and understands all works, at the most intimate level.

The Lord who looks from heaven saves everyone who follows Him (Ps. 33:16-17). It is not kings, mighty armies, warriors, great strength, horses, or anything else.  The rest of the Psalm reveals the comfort for any who look to the Lord for salvation.

He delivers the souls from death who fear Him and hope for His lovingkindness (18). He helps those who wait for Him (20).  Those who trust in Him rejoice in Him (21).  May we pray with the psalmist, "Let Your lovingkindness, O Lord, be upon us, according as we have hoped in You" (22).


The New President of the United States


It’s Election Day!  After today the controversies, media debates, and political ads will finally come to a stop and the next President of the United States will be decided.  Millions of people are gathering at the polls to cast their votes.  However, no matter your political affiliation, no matter who you vote for, and no matter which man ends up taking office, there is something important for every Christian to remember.

God’s reminder comes to us from Romans 13:1, “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”  There are three important phrases to emphasize in this passage.

1) “Every person.”  Every person must submit to the government.  There are no exceptions to this command.  This does not mean we agree with everything the government does, but we must “submit to the governing authorities” nonetheless.  Keep in mind this command was written to people under the corrupt, evil, and persecuting rule of the Romans.  We need to submit to our government, which is not nearly as bad as Rome’s was. 

2) “Established by God.”  Even though some evil and corrupt men have come into power in times past, this verse clearly says God establishes the governing authorities (John 19:11).  This certainly does not mean God accepts and stands behind the government’s decisions, Jesus sure didn’t during His time, but God has at least allowed these people to come into power.  Therefore, no matter who is chosen as the next president, we must recognize God has placed this person into power and, as stated above, be in subjection to this man.

3) “No authority except from God.”  This is by far the most important phrase of this verse.  No matter who is in charge, no matter what laws are passed, God is still in charge.  None of the governing authorities would be in power at all if God did not allow them to be.  Our Lord is the ultimate authority in the world.  As such, this means God’s laws come first even above ones established by our government that may contradict God.

It’s easy to get emotionally attached to one candidate or another and become disheartened if another is chosen.  However, let’s remember we still must stand in subjection to the President and all governing authorities because God establishes them.  We are even called on to pray for such men (1 Timothy 2:2).  Beyond all else though, let’s draw comfort from the fact that our God is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ultimate Authority, the Supreme Ruler, and the Perfect President.