Entries in church of Christ (2)



Neal Pollard

I just sat through one of the most enjoyable half-hours of my life, listening to Tony Johnson talk about his first year of work as a missionary in Tamale (TOM Uh Lee), Ghana.  While I listen as one who considers Tony a dear friend whom I had the blessing of teaching "Preacher And His Work" while he was in school, the thrill came from who Tony is and what he is doing.  He has a superior understanding of what it takes to do missions, a rare intellect and knack for analysis, and a heart for soul-winning.  He would excel in a pulpit anywhere in America, but he has chosen to help evangelize, edify, and extend benevolence to the almost entirely Muslim areas of northern Ghana, western Togo, and southern Burkina Faso.  He joins other excellent workers in that region like Steven Ashcraft, men of ability, intellect, and integrity who are faithful to the Word.

As I sat there, this thought occurred to me.  Wherever you and I find ourselves, whether in lesser or greater fertile fields, we need to have a passion and fervent heart for our Lord's mission.  While listening to Tony made me want to make plans to go to a third-world nation, I was made aware of how diligently God wants me working in the field where I have been planted.  Wherever we find ourselves on this earth, our heart must beat for the purpose for which God has us on this earth.  It meant so much to Jesus that He left these as parting words to the disciples before His face and those who would thereafter read them:  "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem."

Doesn't that stir your heart to missions? To His mission?


The Hand of God in Unfolding History

Neal Pollard

Dave Chamberlin gave me a copy of the latest Civil War Times.  On page 14, there is a story about two of my great-great-great grandfathers and a picture of one of them, Stephen Pollard.  Apparently, the photo of great-grandpa has been "widely publicized" and went unattributed for some time.  It was found in the Liljenquist collection of Civil War portraits in the Library of Congress.  This grandfather survived the war and farmed in Haralson County, Georgia, until his death in 1899 (Petranek, Ed., Vol. 51, No. 6, 12/12, p. 14).

It's the story of the other grandfather mentioned in the article, John Rigby, of the 35th Georgia Infantry, that is so fascinating.  The authors, Linda Wheeler and Sarah Richardson, did not know this story.  My cousin, Paul Pollard, told me about grandpa Rigby.  While fighting in the battle of Gaines Mills in 1862, grandpa Rigby was wounded seriously enough to be discharged.  He walked from Mechanicsville, Virginia, back home to Haralson County, Georgia.  While he was recovering at home, he and grandmother conceived their first child. About two years later, he was well enough to rejoin the 35th as they fought in the Wilderness Campaign of 1864. Though he received only a flesh wound, grandpa was captured by Union Forces and imprisoned in the infamous Elmira Prison Camp in upstate New York.  He died shortly after the signing of the Appamattox Treaty in the Spring of 1865.  But, if grandpa Rigby had not been wounded in Mechanicsville (where I preached almost 12 years!), I would not be here! What seeming providence, as God's hand preserved a lineage that has produced several preachers and may well produce several more!

One of the most faith-building exercises is to study the eternal scheme of redemption in Scripture.  God worked out His salvation plan historically, through time and events, to bring the Christ into the world (cf. Gal. 4:4).  There were times, such as Noah's day, awaiting the birth of Isaac, the period of the judges, the divided kingdom, the Babylonian Captivity, and many other events or eras where that plan seemed imperiled.  Yet, more than merely a story of providence, God's eternal plan involves the sovereignty and intentional grace of God.  Peter said Jesus was crucified as part of "the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God" (Acts 2:23).  God announced it beforehand (Acts 3:18).  It was foreknown by God from before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:20).  To see the people and events used by God to bring us Christ should excite us.  Be reminded that this same God is at work today, providentially bringing about His purpose through willing people like you and me.  Be a part of God's unfolding history simply by being at work to accomplish His purpose!