

Neal Pollard

A poll just released by Harris Interactive shows that employers are less likely to promote a worker who curses.  These bosses gave several reasons why.  Bad language calls a person's professionalism into question.  Employers see such as a self-control problem.  They also see it as a lack of maturity and a sign of lower intelligence (via PRNewswire and  The bottom line is that "bad words leave bad impressions" (ibid.).

Certainly, a Christian does not need such a survey and should not be threatened by these findings.  The Bible makes speech a basic building block of good influence for those of us who are ambassadors for Christ.  Being "sound in speech" puts one "beyond reproach" with "opponents" who may be prone to have something "bad to say about us" (Titus 2:8).  Our speech should "always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt" in order to properly "respond to each person" (Colossians 4:6).  No "unwholesome word" should "proceed" from our mouths (Ephesians 4:29).  Jesus warned that "the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart" (Matthew 12:34).

What an opportunity God gives Christians in this world to represent Him to them!  We should not be most concerned with what monetary value there is in keeping our speech pure and clean, but rather consider above all else the spiritual value!  We should not be only concerned with what potentially negative impact bad language may have on a superior, but equally focused on how it impacts peers and subordinates.  For good or bad, our language does make a difference.  It should reflect truth, honorableness, right, purity, loveliness, and good reputation for these should be that upon which we are reflecting (Philippians 4:8).  Whether or not it wins you an earthly promotion, guard your speech out of interest for that spiritual promotion!



Neal Pollard

A preacher, so bold and decisive,

With bluster and confidence speaks

No matter that his words are divisive

Or that no biblical foundation he seeks

He panders to the people's inclinations

He knows just the buttons to press

For he growls with authoritative intonations

Uses guilt and contempt in excess

He binds without scriptural authority

He calls judgment and expedites sin

With a broad stroke he paints with audacity

In his efforts his own converts to win

Do not look at his practice, hear his preaching

Please don't search for a chapter or verse

Ask not if he's consistent in his teaching

He's got swagger, he's impressively terse

Consistency's a jewel he's discarded

His agenda is what he's crowned king

Sage counsel he has effortlessly disregarded

Accountability seems to him a bad thing

Lord help me be gentle and humble

And a careful and diligent student

To warn others, knowing full well I stumble

Lord, help me be both spiritual and prudent

For the work of the public proclaimer

As a mere servant of the Most High God

Is promoting His Word with no fear or disclaimer

Mindful of where our own footsteps have trod

For the teacher is held to a much higher standard

The leader must account for those led

Woe to men who with smooth speech have pandered

Or who let the praises of men fill their head

Let the public speaker be filled with godly valor

Letting Scripture be the beacon and guide

Avoiding the extremes of cowardly pallor

And self-centered, unmitigated pride. 








Neal Pollard

Now that Christmas day has passed, retailers are beckoning potential customers to come in or log on and get what they "really wanted."  For the next few days and weeks, shoppers will stand in customer service lines with gift receipts (or actual receipts) and either ask to exchange or return their merchandise.  It seems that most businesses have adopted a more generous return policy through the course of time.  But, there is one place whose return policy is unmatched.  

Jesus illustrates this "policy" in a beautiful parable in Luke 15:11-32.  We have dubbed this story the parable of the "prodigal" son.  That term means to spend money and other resources recklessly and wastefully.  The son in this story did just that, meaning it was totally his fault.  There came a point when he wanted to return, and Jesus shows us much about the generous father's "return policy."

There was no receipt necessary.  The father was not keeping record.  He did not ask the boy to account for his inheritance.  He fully accepted this son on the spot.

There were no questions asked.  He did not have caveats or conditions.  There was nothing to sign.  He was welcomed back with open arms.  

There were no time restrictions on when the return could occur.  It is true that the father was anxiously awaiting his return, but he did not turn the boy away for waiting too long.  Truly, if the boy had never returned it would have been too late.  But, the father was not otherwise bound by a calendar or clock.

There was an eagerness for the return to occur.  The father wanted more than anything for the wasteful son to simply come back home.  The son learned that rejection or disallowance was not part of the father's policy.

The most beautiful thing about our Heavenly Father's "return policy" is that it concerns that which never breaks, runs down, fades, or becomes outdated (Mt. 6:19-21; Rev. 7:13-17).  What the prodigal son learned, we should learn, too.  It is never too late, we have never gone too far, and  He will never reject the one who comes to Him on His very fair and just terms.  As long as we have life and breath, we have access to this generous return policy.  There are never long lines or hassles.  Nothing is more valuable than what He gives us when we come home.  That's incredible!




"Jesus Heals And Restores. Pornography Destroys"

Neal Pollard

I saw this billboard on Interstate 70 near Abilene, Kansas, not long ago.  It was positioned directly in front of an "adult store" called the Lion's Den.  It seems to me a clever tactical move to give someone hankering to patronize such a place at least a second thought.

Does pornography have a destructive effect upon its consumers? Clinical psychologist Dr. Victor Cline of the University of Utah, whose academic and professional qualifications are unimpeachable, is famed for his "five stages of addiction."  In order, they are (1) early exposure (seeing pornography at a young age), (2) addiction (it becomes a regular part of your life and you cannot quit), (3) escalation (a continual search for more graphic material and desire for what once would have been repulsive), (4) desensitization (numbness and loss of thrill no matter how graphic the material), and (5) acting out sexually (the dangerous step of moving from fantasy to reality, including rape, molestation, and worse)(information via Gene McConnell, Keith Campbell,

What Cline says about sexual addiction mirrors addictive behaviors in other realms.  Drug addicts often move from through these same phases, as well as those addicted to gambling, food, and other things that can be addictive.  As you examine those phases, you can see the desperation, guilt, damaged relationships, and danger intrinsically involved.  Pornography leads to objectifying people, desiring what is perverse and even illegal, and experiencing dysfunction on a number of levels.

The good news is the first half of the message on that billboard.  That message is as old as the New Testament itself.  Paul told the Corinthian church, steeped in all kinds of ungodly behavior, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  That good news extends to those enslaved to pornography, too.  A changed, penitent heart and mind, that longs to be free and exerts the effort and self-control, can be healed and restored.  Pornography, like every other sin, promises freedom and pleasure.  It cannot deliver.  But one can be delivered at any time they desire.  No sin is bigger than Jesus!



Neal Pollard

I was sought out, called out, and occasionally put out by a man unknown to me.  He wrote me challenging the notion that baptism is part of God's saving plan.  Through several exchanges, he brought up arguments that men have vainly attempted for a very long time.  Some of this man's views went back as far as John Calvin.  The clear teaching of the Bible on the subject of baptism left him unfazed and unconvinced.  This man is undoubtedly sincere and zealous in his beliefs, but God's Word shows how insufficient sincerity and zeal alone are.  They are as insufficient as faith alone.

It has often occurred to me that the devil has not had to be in the innovation business.  Certainly, he is adept at adapting to the inventions and changes brought by time and culture and adopting whatever is current and new, but his basic inroads remain the same as they were in the Garden of Eden.  He does not need a new bag of tricks.

  • Mankind is still carried away and enticed by their own lust (James 1:16).
  • Mankind is still prone to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and pride of life (1 Peter 2:16).
  • Mankind is still inclined to try and direct their own steps (Jeremiah 10:23).
  • Mankind is still open to deluding influences so that they will believe what is false (2 Thessalonians 2:11).
  • Mankind is still stubborn (Psalm 78:8).
  • Mankind is still self-willed (2 Peter 2:10).
  • Mankind is still trying to serve God in their own way on their own terms (Matthew 7:22-23).
  • Mankind is still blinded by the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Human nature remains so constant that the devil can stay with his old tricks.  It is truly heartbreaking and tragic. A plethora of compelling arguments and clearly-stated Scriptures can be easily sloughed off by anyone "in the power of the evil one" (1 John 5:19).  Our task is to sow the seed with patience and love, but it is the job of the hearer to open their hearts to the seed!