Entries in poem (1)


Who'll Go?

Neal Pollard

The Master calleth through the word,

"Get in the harvest field!"

He says, "Go plant the precious seed,

And I'll provide the yield!"

To whom saith He, "Go plant the seed"?

Who hath th'eternal task?

Who must give answer, "Here am I"?

For, sure, the Lord doth ask.

As we are going, we must strew

The seed in the hearts of neighbors,

With kindness and firmness and love of God,

We must be about such labors.

And, with our substance from our toils,

We must give a liberal yield,

To send our brothers and our sisters

To the worldwide mission field.

For those who tread the narrow road

In strange and foreign lands,

Who lay down luxuries and give up ease

To dirty their own hands.

By planting seed in new ground,

Where yet God's word must go,

Pray for these harvest laborers,

Who all over the world seed sow.