Entries in Happiness (1)


16 Rules For Happy Living


  1. Learn to laugh (with others and at yourself) – Proverbs 17:22.
  2. Spend time with the elderly (learn from their wisdom) – Proverbs 19:20.
  3. Enjoy the innocence and purity of Children (they are great examples) – Matthew 18:1-6.
  4. Work (with all your might) – Ecclesiastes 9:10.
  5. Live life like you will live forever (because you will) – Ecclesiastes 3:11.
  6. Plan as though you will die tomorrow (because you might) – James 4:14.
  7. Say something encouraging to someone (be specific and genuine) – Hebrews 3:13.
  8. Give something away (no strings attached) – 2 Corinthians 9:7.
  9. Help someone in need (expect nothing in return) – Matthew 25:35-40.
  10. Forgive others (as many times as needed) – Matthew 18:21-22.
  11. Ask for forgiveness (a clean conscience makes for a soft pillow) - 1 John 1:9.
  12. Pray (often and specific) – 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
  13. Count your blessings (you might lose count) – Ephesians 1:3.
  14. Love God, love your neighbors, and love yourself – Matthew 22:37-38.
  15. Bow to the Lord (better now than later) – Philippians 2:10.
  16. Obey God’s commands – Matthew 7:21-27.

*Idea inspired from sermonillustrations.com, "happiness."