Contact Information

2707 S. Lamar Street
Denver, Colorado 80227 



Preacher: Neal Pollard 

Youth Minister: Brett Petrillo

Speakers and Schedule

Thursday, September 19, 2013

7:00 PM
Majoring In The Minor Prophets (An Overview Of Hosea-Micah)
(Dan Winkler, Huntingdon, TN)

7:45 PM
Obadiah: A Man With A "Down To Earth" Message
(Eddie Parrish, Bedford, TX)

Friday, September 20, 2013

8:00 AM
Hosea 1-3: The Command, Problem, Response, & Assurance 
(Travis Robertson, Littleton, CO)

9:00 AM
Hosea 4-7: God's Problems With The People 
(Kevin Rhodes, Cleburne, TX)

9:00 AM
Background Of The Prophets (Historical Setting)
(Dave Chamberlin, Morrison, CO)

10:00 AM
Hosea 8:1-9:9: God's Two Warnings
(Joe Slater, Thayer, MO)

10:00 AM (Ladies)
Gomer: Not The Proverbs 31 Woman
(Tami Roberts, Parker, CO)

11:00 AM
Hosea 9:10-11:12: God's Judgment (Assyrian Captivity)
(Terrence Brownlow-Dindy, Kinder, LA)

2:30 PM
Hosea 12-13: Repeat Of Israel's Sin (Justifying God's Judgment)
(Hans Oehlert, Brighton, CO)

2:30 PM
Principles From The Prophets: "My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge" (Hosea 4:6) 
(Wayne Burger, Conifer, CO)

3:30 PM
Hosea 14: God's Final Appeal ("Return To Me")
(Tim Kidwell, Branson, MO)

6:30 PM (banquet)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

8:00 AM
Amos 1-2: Judgment Against The Nations, Including Judah
(Steve Lloyd, CA)

9:00 AM
Amos 3-6: Judgment Against Israel (Amos' Three Sermons)
(Brian Lombardi, Laramie, WY)

9:00 AM
Preaching From The Prophets (Sermon Outlines From Hosea-Micah)
(Bob Turner, Denver, CO)

10:00 AM
Principles From The Prophets: "Woe To Those Who Are At Ease In Zion" (Amos 6:1)
(Jody Apple, Knoxville, TN)

10 AM (Ladies)
"Do Two Men Walk Together Unless They Have Made An Agreement?" (Amos 3:3)
(Shana Kaye Jones, San Marcos, TX)

11:00 AM
Amos 7-9: Visions Regarding The Future
(Nathan Liddell, Aurora, CO)

2:30 PM
Principles From The Prophets: "With What Shall I Come To The Lord?" (Micah 6:6ff)
(Brad Price, Goshen, IN)

2:30 PM (Ladies)
"The Day Of Jehovah" (Joel)
(Tami Roberts)

3:30 PM
Principles From The Prophets: "For They Sow The Wind And They Reap The Whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7
(Harold Savage, Snellville, GA)

7:00 PM
Seeing The Messiah In Hosea-Micah
(Will Hanstein, Denver, CO)

7:45 PM
Jonah: The "Running" Prophet
(Wayne Jones, San Marcos, TX)


Sunday, September 22, 2013

8:00 AM
Micah 1: God's Judgment Pronounced
(Melvin Otey, Washington, DC)

9:00 AM
Micah 2: The Reasons For God's Judgment
(Keith Kasarjian, Prattville, AL)

10:00 AM
Micah 3: God's Problem With The Leadership
(Matt Vega, Montgomery, AL)

4:00 PM
Micah 4-5: God's Plan For Judah
(Dan Cates, Memphis, TN)

4:00 PM (Ladies)
A Survey Of Sin From Micah
(Shana Kaye Jones)

5:00 PM
Micah 6-7: Learning About The One True God
(Greg Tidwell, Columbus, OH)

6:00 PM
Joel: The Prophet Who Pleaded For Penitence
(Bart Warren, Glasgow, KY)