Studying the Bible to Grow

We hold weekly Bible classes for adults, teens, and children of all ages. Our aim is to grow spiritually in our knowledge of God's word and our daily walk with him.

Sunday Mornings - 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Children's Bible Classes - Our children's Bible classes are taught each Sunday and start with Cradle Roll (infants) up through 6th grade. These classes are designed to give kids a solid foundation in the Bible and teach them about Bible people.

Teen Bible Classes - Teen classes are available for both Junior High (7th-9th grades) and Senior High (10th-12th grades) each Sunday as well. These classes are designed to be age-appropriate and help these young people make application to their lives.

Adult Bible Classes - Our adult classes are in the process of studying through every book of the Bible. These classes seek to help our members obtain a deeper understanding of God's inspired word and make application of the Bible text to our lives today.

New Christian's Class - This class is specially designed for new Christians and will help ground their faith in a strong study of the Bible.


Tuesday Mornings - 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Class 


Wednesday Nights - 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Children's Bible Classes - Our children's Bible classes are taught each Sunday and start with Cradle Roll (infants) up through 6th grade. These classes are designed to give kids a solid foundation in Bible accounts and teach them about Bible people.

Teen Bible Classes - Teen classes on Wednesday nights are topical in nature and are designed to help teens deal with issues that they face living in the world as Christians. With an emphasis on Bible, these classed provide a solid foundation to build the rest of their Christian life around.

Adult Bible Classes - Adult classes on Wednesday nights are topical as well. They are designed to help strengthen and edify adults as Christians, parents, singles and other stages of life.