With God's inspired word as our guide, we strive to follow the New Testament pattern for conversion, worship and Christian life. We want to be simply Christian in the things we do in service to the Lord. We seek to study God's word diligently and practice what we find in its pages.
Our Current Mission
We strive bring glory to God by the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (Eph 4:12-13).
Our Values
With prayerful recognition of the authority and sovereignty of the Almighty God, we will always endeavor to:
- Bring glory and praise to God.
- Save souls and keep them saved.
- Be biblically balanced, scripturally sound and Christ-centered.
- Edify one another as a spiritual family.
- Treat all people with love, compassion and respect.
The church at Bear Valley is committed to bringing glory to God through Jesus Christ by teaching the Gospel to people in our community and the whole world, strengthening and equipping each other for worship and ministry, prayerfully serving and teaching the truth in love.
We are simply Christians striving to live Christian lives that honor the Lord.